重庆是一座只为了美食就可以来十次八次的城市。来到重庆第一顿当然是吃火锅,重庆老火锅的魅力无法阻挡。远离市中心的社区老火锅,便宜的锅底,亲民的菜价,却滋味十足,即使是工作日的中午也有很多食客。如果吃不惯牛油厚重的味型,还有更清淡一点的90年代水火锅可以尝试,那是重庆老一辈儿时的味道,食材久煮增香,越熬越有味。阿星还逛了专为火锅提供原料的市场,一入夜整个城市都因为火锅而鲜活起来。 Chongqing is a city that you can come to ten or eight times just for the food. Of course, the first meal in Chongqing is to eat hot pot. The charm of Chongqing’s old hot pot is irresistible. The old hot pot in the community far away from the… Continue Reading 重庆社区老火锅,90年代水火锅,锅底麻辣鲜香,阿星逛火锅食材市场Street Food Community Old Hot Pot in Chongqing

大家好,我是唐哥,我在安徽蚌埠寻美食。安徽蚌埠乡村老板娘超漂亮,牛肉拌的好吃,汤更绝,外号牛肉西施!生意那个好啊 #唐哥美食#牛肉汤#烧饼#牛肉烧饼#牛肉西施 热爱旅游,分享美食,我是唐哥美食,小吃货和驴友这里集合啦 每天都会更新最具地方特色的美食小吃,每天都有视觉盛宴,食肉小伙伴们,想要过过嘴瘾却找不到地方的小伙伴们,我在这里等着你喔 喜欢我分享的美食,就赶紧点击👇👇👇链接关注,美食正在向你招手。 https://tanggemeishi.page.link/eNh4 source

来江苏扬州怎么能不品尝小吃,东关街和彩衣街附近有很多本地特色小吃,其中不乏很多年的老字号美食,熙熙攘攘的人群穿梭在老旧的街巷,寻找属于扬州的味道。盐水老鹅,饺面,酱菜,黄桥烧饼,豆腐脑,胡辣汤,赤豆元宵,哪怕是一杯小小的饮品也都能窥见扬州的春色。 How can you come to Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province without tasting snacks? There are many local specialty snacks near Dongguan Street and Caiyi Street. Salted goose, dumpling noodle, pickles, Huangqiao Shaobing, Tofu Nao, Hula soup, red bean Yuanxiao, even a small drink can give a glimpse of the spring of… Continue Reading 江苏扬州东关街小吃,饺面盐水鹅,黄桥烧饼酱菜,阿星吃赤豆元宵Traditional street food in Yangzhou, Jiangsu

#youtubeshorts #China​ #Chinese​ #food​ #cooking #Chinesecooking #Chinesefood #Chinesedish #Chinesecuisine #yummy #tasty #delicious #streetfood #asianstreetfood This channel showcases interesting and popular street food in Asia and all over the world; Korean street food, Japanese street food, Chinese street food, Indian street food, Thai street food, Vietnamese street food, etc. asian street… Continue Reading Famous Chinese street food – Yummy Chinese beef burger in Anhui 安微牛肉馍 / 肉夾饃 roujiamo #Shorts

江苏镇江有美食三怪,老醋摆不坏,煮面放锅盖,肴肉不当菜,在街边小小的面馆就能同时看到。镇江人习惯早上就来吃一碗锅盖面,酱油浓汤的碱面,嘴馋的可以加双料,淋点香醋,加一块肴肉,坐在阳光里慢慢吃完,特别舒服。镇江人喜食醋,性格热情不见外,就像浓郁酸香的陈醋一样可以加到任何菜肴里。 Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province has three delicacies, old vinegar is not bad, boiled noodles are placed on a pot cover, and Xiao meat is not a dish. You can see them at the same time in small noodle restaurants on the street. Zhenjiang people are used to eating a bowl… Continue Reading 江苏镇江美食三怪,双料锅盖面,冷菜水晶肴肉,阿星逛醋厂博物馆Snack pot cover noodle in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu

江苏的高邮古称盂城驿,京杭大运河穿流而过,当地文化名人众多,秦少游,蒲松龄,文天祥,汪曾祺都曾在这里留下印记。高邮也有很多地道美食,水上漂的阳春面,高邮咸鸭蛋,家常高邮菜,这里的人爱吃也会吃,热闹质朴的街景,有故事的食物,活灵活现的人,仿佛从文章里走出来一样。 Gaoyou in Jiangsu was called Yucheng Station in ancient times. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal flows through it. There are many local cultural celebrities. Qin Shaoyou, Pu Songling, Wen Tianxiang and Wang Zengqi have all left their marks here. Gaoyou also has a lot of authentic delicacies, such as spring… Continue Reading 江苏高邮美食,水上漂阳春面,咸鸭蛋汪豆腐,阿星逛汪曾祺纪念馆Traditional food in Gaoyou, Jiangsu

来到中国海鲜之都怎么能不吃一顿美味的海鲜呢,广东湛江的霞山海鲜市场靠近渔港码头,有种类丰富品质上乘的海鲜可供挑选,特别是湛江特产的大对虾。阿星逛海鲜市场,在沿海餐厅现买现做,蒜蓉开背对虾,葱香花蟹,清蒸鲳鱼,辣炒蛏子,吹海风吃海鲜。 When you come to the seafood capital of China, how can you not have a delicious seafood meal? The Xiashan Seafood Market in Zhanjiang, Guangdong is close to the fishing port and has a wide variety of high-quality seafood to choose from, especially the large prawns specializing in Zhanjiang.… Continue Reading 广东湛江海鲜市场,码头海鲜现买现做,阿星吃蒜蓉对虾,香辣蛏子Seafood market in Xiashan, Zhanjiang

广东江门的新会有著名的美食古井烧鹅,也是粤菜里有名的一道美味。古井烧鹅在古井村形成了一条街,有很多卖烧鹅的餐馆,各家有各家的特色。古法泥炉烧鹅,皮酥肉甜还有淡淡的陈皮香,筋道的鹅肠,风干的腊味。阿星还逛了和古井烧鹅这道美食有渊源的崖门古战场。 Gujing Roast Goose is a famous delicacy in Xinhui, Jiangmen, Guangdong, which is also a famous delicacy in Cantonese cuisine. Gujing Roasted Goose has formed a street in Gujing Village. There are many restaurants selling roasted goose, each with its own characteristics. Roast goose in an ancient clay oven,… Continue Reading 广东江门古井烧鹅,泥炉古法烧制,皮薄金黄酥脆,阿星吃江门腊肠Cantonese Cuisine Gujing Roast Goose in Jiangmen

阿勒泰的喀纳斯湖是新疆北部冬季最美的风景,冰川,白雪,河流,森林,还有路上出没的小狐狸,一切都是安静美好的。阿星来到喀纳斯,品尝筋道的拉条子过油肉拌面,大盘香辣椒麻鸡,大冬天玩雪吃美食。 Kanas Lake in Altay is the most beautiful scenery in winter in northern Xinjiang. Glaciers, snow, rivers, forests, and little foxes on the road, everything is quiet and beautiful. Axing came to Kanas to taste the chewy pulled noodles with oily meat, a large plate of fragrant chili and… Continue Reading 新疆北部喀纳斯湖,过油肉拉条拌面,大盘椒麻鸡,阿星路遇小狐狸The gourmet oily meat noodles in Kanas Lake, Xinjiang Kanas

广东湛江这座城市不仅活力时尚,也有浓浓的生活气息,一大早当地的老牌酒楼里就坐满了饮早茶的人。广东人讲究三茶两饭,早茶更是有自己独特的文化,简单的一盅两件就能让人很满足。阿星起个大早饮早茶,美味点心平靓正,虾饺皇,豉汁凤爪,桑叶蒸饺,还有菠萝包。 The city of Zhanjiang, Guangdong is not only dynamic and fashionable, but also has a strong atmosphere of life. Early in the morning, the local old-fashioned restaurants are full of people drinking morning tea. Cantonese people pay attention to three teas and two meals, and morning tea has its… Continue Reading 广东湛江饮早茶,老牌酒楼平靓正,虾饺皇豉汁凤爪,阿星吃菠萝包Morning tea in Zhanjiang, Guangdong