江苏跨江滨海,湖泊众多,地势平坦,地貌由平原、水域、低山丘陵构成;地跨长江、淮河两大水系。江苏省属东亚季风气候区,处在亚热带和暖温带的气候过渡地带,气候同时具有南方和北方的特征。 这一方鱼米之乡,亦是那烟雨江南。富庶的江苏,清秀、典雅、醇厚、古朴。到江苏必定要访名城、游古镇、品吴韵、寻汉风。 Jiangsu is one of the most attractive tourism destinations in Asia and located on a 500-mile (900 km) stretch of the Yellow Sea on China’s east coast. You can “taste” all of the best that China has to offer in the province, from Ming Dynasty walls and tombs… Continue Reading 水韵江苏 有你会更美 Charm of Jiangsu, More Beautiful with you