买点菜房车里展示徽菜的精髓,土豆咸肉野菜汤拌饭感觉真不够吃 更多视频 炎热的夏天回家乡,隐居山区避暑:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IYhRv3vGME&t=5s 突发意外,无人机坠落山谷:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlpuBS60-gQ 皖南山村露营,炖猪肘子:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iM4E5fhP9o 山区里的徽州古村落,隐居避世:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrkS-CO4XAs 感谢订阅! 更多视频浏览 #旅行记录 #中文Vlog #房车旅行 #皖南 #露营 #户外生活 #山区 #房车生活 #大陆 #徽菜 source

I meet up with the head chef of the famous Lailong Restaurant in Zhongshan, China and sample may traditional and modern Cantonese dishes. Eating in Zhongshan China (Vol. 7) Modern Cantonese Cuisine (Lailong Restaurant) ——————————————————————————————————- Check Out and Subscribe to my Daily News Channel: Rojo Reads the News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoaP4fUogc3Gdjk18DIzKSA Custom… Continue Reading Eating in Zhongshan China (Vol. 7) Modern Cantonese Cuisine (Lailong Restaurant)