This is traditional Chinese food in Shandong province,We usually eat this in Tomb Sweeping Day。 Tomb Sweeping Day (清明节, Qīngmíng jié) is a one-day Chinese holiday that has been celebrated in China for centuries. The day is meant to commemorate and pay respect to a person’s ancestors. Thus, on Tomb… Continue Reading 中国家常菜(鲁菜系列)馅食Chinese Amazing Delicious Food(Shandong Cuisine) :stuffing food

Learn How To Cook Chinese Amazing Delicious Food :Tomato and Egg Soup. What will you do during the isolation?Gaming?or Eating?Learn with me you will know what is delicious. When cooking my mom always ask me:did they have this?did they eat that?If not why you take this video?Me:…… In this video,… Continue Reading 中国家常菜(鲁菜系列)菠菜炒鸡蛋Chinese Amazing Delicious Food(Shandong Cuisine) :Egg Spinach