九转大肠九转大肠原名为红烧大肠,是山东省济南市的一道传统名菜,属于鲁菜系;该菜品在清朝光绪初年由济南九华楼酒楼店主所创;其做法是先将猪大肠经水焯后油炸,再灌入十多种作料,用微火炮制而成。成菜后,酸、甜、香、辣、咸五味俱全,色泽红润,质地软嫩。 Jiuzhuan Large intestine, formerly known as Braised large intestine, is a traditional famous dish in Jinan City, Shandong Province, which belongs to Shandong cuisine; This dish in the Qing Dynasty Guangxu early year by Jinan Jiuhualou restaurant owner created; The practice is to first blanch the large intestine of… Continue Reading 经典鲁菜之九转大肠,Classic Shandong Cuisine,Jiuzhuan Large intestine

霸王肘子是一款经典湘菜,。它的色泽非常鲜亮,虽然看着比较肥,但是吃起来却一点都不腻,反而会有一种入口即化的感觉。 Bawang elbow is a classic Hunan cuisine. Its color is very bright, although looking more fat, but eat up is not greasy, but there will be a kind of mouth that is the feeling of melting. source