本期通过对话学习有关中国餐馆吃饭的地道用语: 1、刚进餐馆的时候我们可以对服务员说 2、选位子的用语 3、点餐时的用语 4、有关忌口的用语 5、关于点饮料的用语 6、关于快餐店前台点餐的用语 7、如何抱怨自己不满意的菜品 8、点完餐后菜品迟迟不能上桌 9、用餐时发现服务员上错了菜 10、用餐的过程中有额外的需求 11、用餐结束后,付款时的用语 12、用餐结束之后,打算将剩下的饭菜打包 1. Chinese expressions frequently used when you just step in a restaurant 2. Chinese expressions of choosing a table 3. Chinese expressions of ordering 4. Chinese expressions of food abstain 5. Chinese expressions of ordering drinks 6.… Continue Reading Chinese Conversations in the Restaurant //Ordering in Chinese//中国餐馆点菜

Learn Chinese Conversations: Ordering Food at a Restaurant | Chinese Listening & Speaking Practice Do you know how to order food at a restaurant in Mandarin Chinese? In this video, I’ll teach you. Part 1: Ordering food at a fast food restaurant 00:43-05:38 Part 2: Ordering food at a tale… Continue Reading How to Order Food at a Restaurant in Chinese | Real Chinese Conversations Practice