冬瓜盅是粤菜里很有名的一道美食,用整颗冬瓜来煲汤,中间加入肉类,海鲜,谷物,中药等食材,隔水炖煮几个小时,汤味鲜甜浓郁,在江门大大小小的农庄餐馆很流行。还有鲜美的司前夜鱼,现做的泥焗鸡,都是品尝食材的原味,清淡滋补的本地菜。 Winter melon soup is a very famous dish in Cantonese cuisine. The whole winter melon is used to make soup, and meat, seafood, grains, Chinese medicine and other ingredients are added in the middle. It is stewed for several hours in water. The soup tastes sweet and rich. It… Continue Reading 广东江门水鸭冬瓜盅,整颗瓜煲汤,司前夜鱼鲜美,阿星吃本味粤菜Cantonese Cuisine Duck and Winter Melon Soup in Jiangmen

玉山头村是广东普宁的一个寻常村子,县道旁边的玉山餐厅却有很高的人气,虽然是乡村大排档的感觉,但是出品的潮汕菜很地道。各种菜品铺开展示,选菜制作加工一气呵成,有很多特色蒸菜,口味清淡鲜美,还有潮汕特色甜点胶罗钱。 Yushantou Village is an ordinary village in Puning, Guangdong. Yushan Restaurant next to the county road is very popular. Although it feels like a rural food stall, the Chaoshan dishes produced are very authentic. Various dishes are spread out and displayed, and the selection of dishes is made and… Continue Reading 广东普宁潮汕菜,乡村大排档老店,蒸膏蟹海参煲,阿星吃胶罗钱Rural Chaoshan Cuisine in Puning, Guangdong

黄果树瀑布是贵州壮美山水的代表,连徐霞客到此都要赞叹。阿星来到安顺游览黄果树瀑布,品尝断桥小镇的特色美食青椒鱼火锅。鲜美的河水黄辣丁,大把的青花椒辣椒,加入西红柿和独特的调味料,炖煮成地道的黔味。还有酱香豆豉炒饭和红糖粥,坐在山间河边吃一顿美食。 Huangguoshu Waterfall is the representative of the magnificent landscape in Guizhou, and even Xu Xiake would admire it here. Axing came to Anshun to visit Huangguoshu Waterfall and taste the green pepper fish hot pot, the special food of Broken Bridge Town. Delicious river water Huanglading fish, a lot… Continue Reading 贵州安顺断桥青椒鱼,鲜美黄辣丁,酸辣炖豆腐,阿星逛黄果树瀑布Green pepper fish at Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou

在福建厦门的集美大社村,这里是著名爱国华侨陈嘉庚先生的故乡,不仅有各种风格的美丽建筑,还有很多美食老店。1940年开业的联生老店,传承了3代人,是闽南风味的家常菜馆,主打一碗海鲜炒面,量大料多实惠。酸笋炒鸭胗,爆炒鱿鱼,糖醋鸡翅,苦瓜花蛤豆腐汤,阿星吃3菜1汤非常满足。 Dashe Village in Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, is the hometown of the famous patriotic overseas Chinese, Mr. Chen Jiageng, there are not only beautiful buildings of various styles, but also many old gourmet restaurants. The old Liansheng restaurant that opened in 1940, inherited for 3 generations, is a home-cooked restaurant… Continue Reading 厦门家常闽菜老店,1940年开业,主打海鲜炒面,阿星3菜1汤吃到饱 Home-cooked southern Fujian cuisine in Xiamen,China

成都周边有很多古镇,在这些大大小小的古镇中,海窝子古镇并不算很出名,也没有很商业化,但是这并不影响它的美食地位。阿星来到这里品尝最有名的两样美食,川菜牛肉馆和油烫鹅。粉蒸牛肉,泡椒牛柳,番茄牛尾汤等等,菜单上全是牛肉。热乎乎刚出锅的油烫鹅,现捞的鹅货卤味,每一口都是享受。 There are many ancient towns around Chengdu. Among these large and small ancient towns, Haiwozi Ancient Town is not very famous and not very commercial, but this does not affect its food status. Axing came here to taste two of the most famous dishes, Sichuan Beef Restaurant and Oil-Boiled… Continue Reading 四川彭州海窝子古镇,川菜牛肉馆,酱香油烫鹅,阿星吃地道川味Street food in Sichuan ancient town

The 5000-seater West Lake Restaurant, in the city of Changsha in China, is the biggest Chinese restaurant in the world. It has a staff of 1000 and serves no fewer than 150 ducks per day and 200 snakes per week. Old traditions and new money come together in a vibrant… Continue Reading The Biggest Chinese Restaurant in the World⎜WHY STORIES⎜(Documentary)

宁波的慈溪是浙江有名的鱼米之乡,电器之乡,也是中国经济百强县之一,随着杭州湾跨海大桥的通车,这里的交通和发展又有了新的变化。阿星来到慈溪的坎墩老街,寻找老底子美食,生煎包,酱年糕,松花汤圆,羊骨头粥,各种小吃都是当地人儿时的味道。 Cixi in Ningbo is a famous and fertile town in Zhejiang, home of electrical appliances, and one of the top 100 counties in China’s economy. With the opening of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the traffic and development here have undergone new changes. Axing came to Kandun old street in… Continue Reading 浙江慈溪坎墩老街,儿时小吃味道,生煎包酱年糕,阿星吃羊骨头粥Kandun old street snacks in Cixi, Zhejiang

中国饮食结构给人的固有印象是南米北面,但是来到浙江你会发现,有很多面食小吃都很受当地人的喜欢,也是融入三餐的日常饮食。阿星来到宁波慈溪品尝这里的面食三绝,生牛肉鲜虾仁拌面,黄鱼面,带馅大馒头,咸香酱肉包,面食在这里既鲜美又有特色。 The inherent impression of the Chinese dietary structure is that of southern rice and northern noodle, but when you come to Zhejiang, you will find that there are many pasta snacks that are very popular with local people, and they are also integrated into the daily diet of three… Continue Reading 浙江慈溪面食三绝,生牛肉鲜虾仁拌面,带馅大馒头,咸香酱肉包Three musts of pasta in Cixi, Zhejiang

闽菜发源于福州,是中国八大菜系之一,以鲜甜荤香为主。阿星探寻的这家闽菜小店,在街坊里开了20年,没有菜单,做的都是家常菜,看料点菜。荔枝肉酸酸甜甜,酒糟小肠色泽红亮,爆炒双脆里有很多海蜇和腰片,都十分下饭,再喝一碗肥美的淡菜贝壳汤,这一餐很满足。 Fujian Local Cuisine originated in Fuzhou and is one of the eight major cuisines in China. This small Fujian restaurant explored by Axing has been in the neighborhood for 20 years. There is no menu. All the dishes are homemade and the food is ordered. The litchi meat is… Continue Reading 福州20年闽菜,家常菜小店没菜单,荔枝肉酸酸甜甜,酒糟小肠下饭【Fujian Local Cuisine in Fuzhou, China】