闽菜发源于福州,是中国八大菜系之一,以鲜甜荤香为主。阿星探寻的这家闽菜小店,在街坊里开了20年,没有菜单,做的都是家常菜,看料点菜。荔枝肉酸酸甜甜,酒糟小肠色泽红亮,爆炒双脆里有很多海蜇和腰片,都十分下饭,再喝一碗肥美的淡菜贝壳汤,这一餐很满足。 Fujian Local Cuisine originated in Fuzhou and is one of the eight major cuisines in China. This small Fujian restaurant explored by Axing has been in the neighborhood for 20 years. There is no menu. All the dishes are homemade and the food is ordered. The litchi meat is… Continue Reading 福州20年闽菜,家常菜小店没菜单,荔枝肉酸酸甜甜,酒糟小肠下饭【Fujian Local Cuisine in Fuzhou, China】