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This Hunan Chicken Recipe Is A MUST-TRY! Hot Spicy, Sour, a little Sweet will add to the Enjoyment

Hi, today I made Hunan Chicken dish which is characterized by its hot and sour flavor, fresh aroma, greasiness, deep color, & the prominence of the main flavor in each dish.

Hunan food is hot because the air is very humid, which makes it difficult for the human body to eliminate moisture. The local people eat hot peppers to help remove dampness and cold.
Hunan chicken is a bit similar to Kung Pao (from Szechuan). but the difference is that my Hunan chicken doesn’t highlight the sweet taste, it’s more spicy and sour.
I used Szechuan Pepper & dried chili to make it more spicy but also have aromatic flavor, because me & my husband love spicy food so much. Added with Tiger Prawn, the taste becomes more delicious.

Let’s try and I recommend it to be served at the Chinese New Year Family Dinner Party! ^^
“Happy Chinese New Year 2023! Gong Xi Fa Chai ! Wishing you a Prosperous Lunar New Year of Water Rabbit!”


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