Pt 1, (02:05) 300 yrs. of Xiamen Gold Lacquer Sculpture, 厦门 漆线雕; Pt. 2, (06:13) Malaysian-style Fujian Niangao (rice cake), 马来西亚味道的福建年糕. Fujian cuisine takes a different twist when it becomes popular in Malaysia! Enjoy

And next episode… an international Minnan (Hokkien, Taiwanese, etc.) singing contest. 闽南歌手国际比赛!Join us! And join our program!Watch it live, and use your cell phone to scan the bar code at the end of the program for a surprise. 如果你想参与我们的节目,请扫描屏幕上的二维码,关注我们的微信,老潘在网上等着你们!


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