Crack Open Fortune: The Mysteries of Lee’s Chinese Food


Chinese cuisine has become a global phenomenon, with its intricate flavors and diverse range of dishes pleasing palates all over the world. Among the many Chinese restaurants that have gained popularity, Lee’s Chinese Food stands out as an extraordinary establishment where fortune cookies hold mystical secrets. Although mainly associated with Chinese-American cuisine, fortune cookies have become synonymous with Chinese culture, leaving us intrigued about their origins and the hidden messages they hold. In this article, we delve into the mysteries of Lee’s Chinese Food, exploring the story behind fortune cookies and the fascination they have sparked.

I. The Origins of Fortune Cookies:

1. The Historic Debate:

The true origins of fortune cookies have long been a topic of debate. While many believe that fortune cookies originated in China, others argue that they were first introduced in Japan. The debate centers around historical evidence and the evolution of similar treats in both countries.

2. Chinese or Japanese? The Origins Revealed:

Despite the confusion, most historians agree that fortune cookies were indeed created by Chinese immigrants in the United States. The early fortune cookies, known as “fortune tea cakes,” were a modification of traditional Chinese almond cookies. These treats were eventually transformed into their current form due to the influence of Japanese immigrants during the early 1900s.

II. Fortune Cookies: A Unique Tradition in Chinese-American Cuisine:

1. Serendipitous Beginning:

The introduction of fortune cookies to Chinese-American cuisine is attributed to Makoto Hagiwara, a Japanese immigrant and the creator of the iconic Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. Hagiwara began serving fortune cookies as a complimentary treat at his tea house.

2. The Rise in Popularity:

Fortune cookies gained widespread popularity during World War II when they were served in Chinese restaurants as a symbol of goodwill. Soon, their popularity shifted towards Chinese cuisine, and they became a staple in Chinese-American restaurants across the United States.

III. Unlocking the Mysteries Inside Lee’s Chinese Food:

1. The Art of Baking Fortune Cookies:

To create the perfect fortune cookie, skilled bakers at Lee’s Chinese Food carefully craft a mixture of flour, sugar, vanilla, and oil. The dough is then shaped into flat circles before baking to achieve the desired crispness. Finally, fortunes are inserted and the cookies are folded into their iconic shape.

2. Mysterious Messages:

The biggest allure of fortune cookies lies in the hidden messages they contain. Whether these messages predict the future, offer words of wisdom, or simply provide humor, opening a fortune cookie brings excitement and anticipation. Lee’s Chinese Food takes pride in selecting unique and thought-provoking messages to enhance their customers’ dining experience.


1. Can I request a specific message in my fortune cookie?

While Lee’s Chinese Food aims to provide enjoyable and surprising experiences, customized fortune cookie messages are not currently available. However, the restaurant provides a wide range of pre-selected messages that are sure to leave you intrigued and entertained.

2. Are fortune cookies considered authentic Chinese cuisine?

Fortune cookies are primarily associated with Chinese-American cuisine and are not commonly found in traditional Chinese dining. However, they have become an integral part of the Chinese-American experience and are now recognized as a cultural icon.

3. Do fortune cookies always contain accurate predictions?

Fortune cookies are intended for entertainment purposes rather than accurate predictions. The messages inside are often general and lighthearted, aiming to bring smiles to customers’ faces. It is essential to approach fortune cookies with curiosity and amusement rather than treating them as genuine divination tools.


Lee’s Chinese Food serves as a gateway to the mystical world of fortune cookies, captivating customers with their delightful treats and hidden messages. Although the true origin of fortune cookies may remain a matter of debate, their popularity in Chinese-American cuisine is undeniable. Opening a fortune cookie has become a beloved tradition, showing that amidst the variety and complexities of Chinese cuisine, these simple treats continue to bring joy and intrigue. So, next time you visit Lee’s Chinese Food, be prepared to crack open a fortune and unravel a little mystery with each bite.