Behind the Wok: A Look into the Cooking Techniques of Lee’s Chinese Food


Chinese cuisine is known for its rich flavors, varied ingredients, and skillful cooking techniques. One restaurant that has mastered these techniques is Lee’s Chinese Food. With a reputation for delicious and authentic dishes, Lee’s has become a staple in the local food scene. In this article, we will take a closer look at the cooking techniques used by Lee’s to create their mouthwatering Chinese dishes.

1. Stir-frying: The Heart of Chinese Cooking

Heading: The Art of Stir-frying

Stir-frying is a fundamental cooking technique in Chinese cuisine, and Lee’s has perfected this art. With a hot wok and quick movements, Lee’s chefs create dishes that are both flavorful and tender. The high heat of the wok allows for quick cooking, preserving the natural tastes and textures of the ingredients.

2. The Wok: A Versatile Tool

Heading: The Importance of the Wok

The wok is an essential tool in Chinese cooking, and Lee’s understands its significance. Made of carbon steel, the wok’s concave shape promotes even heat distribution and makes tossing and stirring ingredients effortless. Lee’s chefs utilize the wok’s unique shape to create dishes that are perfectly cooked and full of flavor.

3. The Maillard Reaction: Unleashing Flavors through Heat

Heading: Unleashing Flavors with the Maillard Reaction

The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs when proteins and sugars are exposed to high heat. This reaction creates complex flavors and aromas that enhance the taste of the dish. Lee’s chefs masterfully use this reaction to create dishes with layers of flavor, ensuring that every bite is a delight to the senses.

4. Peking Roast Duck: A Labor of Love

Heading: The Art of Peking Roast Duck

Peking Roast Duck is an iconic Chinese dish, and Lee’s takes great pride in its preparation. The process of making Peking Roast Duck at Lee’s involves several steps, including marination, air-drying, and roasting. Each step is meticulously executed to ensure a crispy skin and succulent meat that simply melts in your mouth.

5. Steaming: A Healthy and Delicious Option

Heading: The Delicate Perfection of Steaming

Steaming is a cooking technique that preserves the natural flavors and nutrients of ingredients, and Lee’s incorporates this method in many of its dishes. From dumplings to fish, steaming allows the ingredients to retain their moisture and tenderness, resulting in dishes that are both healthy and delectable.

6. FAQ Section

Heading: Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is Chinese food always cooked using a wok?

A1. While the wok is a versatile tool used in Chinese cooking, not all Chinese dishes require a wok. However, the wok is commonly used for stir-frying, which is a popular cooking technique in Chinese cuisine.

Q2. What makes Lee’s Chinese Food unique compared to other Chinese restaurants?

A2. Lee’s Chinese Food stands out due to its commitment to authentic flavors and attention to detail in cooking techniques. The chefs at Lee’s take great pride in their craft, resulting in consistently delicious dishes.

Q3. Are all Chinese cooking techniques high in heat?

A3. While many Chinese cooking techniques, such as stir-frying, require high heat, not all techniques rely on extreme temperatures. Steaming, for example, uses gentle heat to cook ingredients.

Q4. What other cooking techniques does Lee’s Chinese Food specialize in?

A4. In addition to stir-frying, Lee’s excels in steaming, deep-frying, and slow-cooking techniques. These methods allow for a wide variety of dishes with distinct flavors and textures.


The cooking techniques employed by Lee’s Chinese Food showcase the skill and expertise of their chefs. Whether it’s stir-frying, steaming, or roasting, Lee’s understands the importance of each method in creating dishes that are bursting with flavor. With their commitment to authenticity and passion for Chinese cuisine, Lee’s continues to delight its customers with their delectable offerings. Visit Lee’s Chinese Food to experience the magic that happens behind the wok.