Res: 大中华酒家Mandarin Dunois Add: 77 Rue Dunois, 75013 Paris 中华八代菜系之一的“闽菜”,长于“红糟调味,长于制汤,使用糖醋”。在巴黎的13区,有这么一家深受顾客喜爱的闽菜餐厅“大中华酒家”,不但服务热情而且极具艺术气息。连吕克·贝松的电影都来这里取景,在这人吃是种什么样的特别体验呢?小伙伴们快来一探究竟吧! Fujian cuisine or Fujianese cuisine, also known as the Min cuisine, is one of the native Chinese cuisines derived from the native cooking style of China’s Fujian Province, most notably from the provincial capital, Fuzhou 今日体验菜品: 佛跳墙 188€ 清蒸鲈鱼 19.9€… Continue Reading VLOG|Traditional Fujian Cuisine in Paris 鲜嫩滋味的闽菜!福州佛跳墙Hokkien Min Cuisine Restaurant in Paris巴黎美食